Buttock augmentation, or gluteal augmentation, is used to improve the contour, size and/or shape of the buttocks. This is done through the use of buttock implants, fat grafting or sometimes a combination of the two.
Buttock implants are silicone-filled devices that are surgically placed deep within the tissues of the buttock.


facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves visible signs of aging in the face and neck, such as:

  • Relaxation of the skin of the face causing sagging
  • Deepening of the fold lines between the nose and corner of the mouth
  • Fat that has fallen or has disappeared
  • Jowls developing in the cheeks and jaw
  • Loose skin and excess fat of the neck that can appear as a double chin or "turkey neck".

Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as a "nose job" or "nose reshaping" by patients, enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose.

It can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose. Rhinoplasty can treat nose size in relation to facial balance, nose width at the bridge or in the size and position of the nostrils, nose profile with visible humps or depressions on the bridge, nasal tip that is enlarged or bulbous, drooping, upturned or hooked, nostrils that are large, wide or upturned and nasal asymmetry.


Breast augmentation involves using breast implants or fat transfer to increase the size of the breasts. This procedure can also restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy, achieve a more rounded breast shape or improve natural breast size asymmetry.

Breast augmentation is also referred to as augmentation mammoplasty. When fat from another part of the patient's body is used to create the improved breast volume, the procedure is referred to as fat transfer breast augmentation.


A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, raises the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.
Sometimes the areola becomes enlarged over time, and a breast lift will reduce this as well.


Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin and, in most cases, restores weakened or separated muscles creating an abdominal profile that is smoother and firmer.
Even individuals of otherwise normal body weight and proportion can develop an abdomen that protrudes or is loose and sagging.


Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, can improve the shape, position or proportion of the ear. A defect in the ear structure that is present at birth or that becomes apparent with development can be corrected by otoplasty. This procedure can also treat misshapen ears caused by injury.

Otoplasty creates a more natural shape while bringing balance and proportion to the ears and face. Correction of even minor


The goal of breast reconstruction is to restore one or both breasts to near normal shape, appearance, symmetry and size following mastectomy, lumpectomy or congenital deformities.
Breast reconstruction often involves multiple procedures performed in stages and can either begin at the time of mastectomy or be delayed until a later date.


Arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that reduces excess sagging skin that droops downward, tightens and smoothes the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm and reduces localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region.
Fluctuations in weight, growing older and heredity can cause the upper arms to have a drooping, sagging appearance.


Liposuction, sometimes referred to as "lipo" by patients, slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits and improving body contours and proportion.
Liposuction can treat thighs, hips and buttocks, abdomen and waist, upper arms, back, inner knee, chest area, cheeks and chin and neck
Liposuction can be performed alone or along with other plastic surgery procedures, such as


Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure to remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size more in proportion with the body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with excessively large breasts.
Large breasts can cause both physical and emotional distress for patients. Patients with macromastia may experience physical discomfort resulting from the weight of their breasts.


Scar revision surgery will attempt to minimize a scar so that it is less conspicuous and blends in with the surrounding skin tone and texture.
Scars are visible signs that remain after a wound has healed. They are the unavoidable results of injury or surgery, and their development can be unpredictable. Poor healing may contribute to scars that are obvious, unsightly or disfiguring. Even a wound that heals well can result in a scar that affects your appearance.


Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the eyelids. Surgery can be performed on the upper lids, lower lids or both.
Blepharoplasty treat loose or sagging skin that creates folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision and fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the eyelids. The procedure also treat bags under the eyes, drooping lower eyelids that reveal white below the iris, excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid.


Anisomastia or breast asymmetry is defined as the visible difference in size, shape or position of the breast.
Small differences can be often observed in many women. These are considered as natural and are not classified as anisomastia.
Anisomastia can be observed more frequently in women and rarely in males. It may be congenital or due to various illnesses or surgical operations including removal of cysts, tumors, total or partial mastectomy or breast aesthetic surgery. Anisomastia may include:


Gynecomastia is a condition of overdeveloped or enlarged breasts in men that can occur at any age. The condition can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity, obesity or the use of certain drugs.

Gynecomastia is characterized by excess localized fat, excess glandular tissue development, sometimes excess breast skin unilaterally or bilaterally.


Dramatic weight loss has many benefits. But after any substantial amount of weight loss due to weight loss surgery and/or lifestyle changes, the skin and tissues often lack the elasticity to conform to the reduced body size.
Surgical body contouring following major weight loss removes excess sagging skin and fat while improving the shape of the underlying support tissue. The result is a better-proportioned appearance with smoother contours.


Gender change surgeries are performed by a multispecialty team that typically includes plastic surgeons. The goal is to give transgender individuals the physical appearance and functional abilities of the gender they know themselves to be.
Gender change or redefinition is currently legally and surgically feasible. It is possible to change the external characteristics but also to modify the internal organs in order to adapt them to the desired sex.


Vaginal rejuvenation covers several different procedures. It is sometimes called female genital plastic surgery, female genital rejuvenation surgery, female genital cosmetic surgery, vulvovaginal plastic surgery and designer vagina surgery, among other terms.
Among the procedures that comprise female genital plastic surgery are 


I. Microphallus

The length of the penis, in full erection, from the pubic symphysis to the apex of the glans varies naturally from 10 to 15 cm with an average of 13 cm.
