
Gender change surgeries are performed by a multispecialty team that typically includes plastic surgeons. The goal is to give transgender individuals the physical appearance and functional abilities of the gender they know themselves to be.
Gender change or redefinition is currently legally and surgically feasible. It is possible to change the external characteristics but also to modify the internal organs in order to adapt them to the desired sex.

The procedures

The procedure require first of all a prosecutor's decision. The decision is issued by the submission of attestations by a psychiatrist, endocrinologist and plastic surgeon confirming the necessity of the change. Gender change usually requires a combination of interventions and, often, a plastic surgeon, general surgeon, and gynecologist.

To change sex from man to woman:
Creating breasts:
The operation is done by placing silicone implants on the chest. 
Changes of the face: The modification of the facial features is achieved by interventions such as rhinoplasty, increase of cheeks, depilation, etc.
Change body contour: Adaptation is accomplished by liposuction and / or lipotransfer where appropriate, by placing silicone implants in the buttocks, etc.
Changes in genitalia: The goal is to create a vagina with a normal look and function and maintain the sensation and the ability of orgasm. These are achieved by removal of both testis and corpus cavernosum and inversion of the penis skin inside the perineum to create vagina. The scrotum is used to create major lips.

To change sex from woman to man:
Mastectomy: The operation aims at the total removal of the breast by maintaining and adjusting the position and shape of the nipple.
Changes of the face: The modification of the facial features is achieved by the use of fillers, implants or lipotransfer.
Change body contour: Adaptation is accomplished by liposuction and / or lipotransfer where appropriate.
Change in genitalia: The creation of a functional penis is achieved with a segment of the skin from the abdominal wall or the thigh that is formed to a normal penis. The erection is accomplished by the implantation of an erection device with a pump.