Good evening, dear Dr. Kotzampasakis. My Name is A. I am 28 years old and I live in Dusseldorf, Germany. I'm Interested in a lip surgery. My problem is that my lips are big, not in volume but in width...
The mouth corners, when I smile, look like the "Smile of the Joker» Is there a surgical way to change the shape and size of my lips without being deformed??? (Because bad lies have frightened me with celebrities who go to correct their lips with either injections or surgically and end up having a terrifying duck face effect). How long will I be able to kiss my boyfriend and generally come back to normal life after the procedure?? One of my friends who was operated by you is very satisfied and she told me about you. She told me “Doctor Kotzampasakis has changed my life. I feel like a different person” I hope that you can do something also for me, doctor. Thank you very much.