I. Microphallus
The length of the penis, in full erection, from the pubic symphysis to the apex of the glans varies naturally from 10 to 15 cm with an average of 13 cm.
The average diameter, in relax, is estimated at 2.8 cm. The length of the penis is never measured in relax situation. The very large penis can show erectile problems due to increased needs of hematoma in order to achieve erection.
Microphallus is considered the condition in which the length of the penis does not exceed, in erection, the 10 cm. From Antiquity until today there are many myths about the size of the penis and its role in the sexual satisfaction of women.
Scientific research however proved that, apart from extreme cases, it is not the size of penis but the technique and experience that ensures the enjoyment of the erotic partner. Nevertheless, Microphallus creates sometimes a sense of inferiority and anxiety in men who often lead to severe disturbances or even to inhibition of sexual intercourse.
The procedure
Microphallus is treated effectively with surgical lengthening of the penis which ensures a permanent increase in penis length by 2-5 cm, as appropriate.
The operation is based on the cross section of ligaments that attract and hold the penis inward and reshape the pubic area.
If necessary, it is combined with a thickening of the penis that is achieved by transplantation of deepithelized skin and fat grafts from the buttock areas. The lengthening of the penis can be achived under local or general anesthesia.
Penis lengthening requires 24 hours hospitalization. The return to daily activities is possible after 24 hours. It is Imperative that you abstain from sexual intercourse for 20 days.
II. Phimosis/ Paraphimosis
Phimosis is the excessive coverage of glans penis with foreskin. It is a condition where the foreskin cannot be fully retracted from the head of the penis.
It is a common deformity of penis that can cause balanitis or balanoposthitis, painful erection or paraphimosis. The last, is the most acute complication of phimosis.
In this condition, the glans is swollen, painful and the foreskin is immobilized in a partially retracted position.
The proximal penis is flaccid. Paraphimosis needs urgent treatment to prevent glans necrosis.
The procedure
Phimosis can be treated with circumcision a procedure of excess foreskin removal in ring shape.
The procedure is done under local anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. Frenulum resection is done simultaneously.
Circumcision can be done also using Laser CO2 resection. By this technique we can achieve the exact skin amount resection while controlling bleeding, post-operative pain and complications.